Saturday, January 23, 2010

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Homemade Firefox so

changing a few parameters of Firefox, we can make enough to lighten your browser.

This idea is based on the historiales.El history, is where you store the pages you've visited recently. Thanks to the history, by typing a few letters into the address bar, Firefox suggests the sites we visited that fit with what we write. What we do is change the amount of data that is stored in the historial.Vamos to:

In the address bar type: about: config

- Click on the button I'll be careful, I promise!.

Let's change the value of four fields:

- Browser.histor y_expire_days: Specifies the maximum number of days that keeps each url in history. (Default 180). Does not interest me to remember the sites I've visited so long ago. I just the most common, which I visit almost daily. I have reduced this value to 7, keeping only the sites visited in the past week. So, when I type something in the address bar, which suggests to me is really useful results, removing all the straw.

- Browser.histor y_expire_days. mirror: Same as above, indicate the same value (in my case, 7).

- Browser.histor y_expire_days_ min: The minimum number of days that Firefox saves each url in the history (default 90). In my case I reduced this value to 2. With these two changes, I tell Firefox to always keep my record over the last 2 days, but do not save save the urls visited more than 7 days.

- Browser.histor y_expire_sites: The maximum number of urls which keeps a history. I have limited to 20000, which I think is more than enough. Now Firefox keeps track of the days I have indicated, and only up to 20,000 urls.

Modifying these parameters have considerably lightened the database nte of my history. Now Firefox more accessible my record fast (there is less data to consult.) Firefox opens much faster and without radical change, if I notice that the browser is lighter and offers better performance.


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