Wednesday, May 4, 2011

China Visa Hepatitis B

with them all
John M.
analysts and media are beginning to always sweeten and unify the message of Sunday's massive march on May 8 in solidarity with Javier Sicilia. In order to reduce harm to Felipe Calderon and his government, images and reports that are prepared now highlight expressions of opposition to the criminals and the responsibility of society. The direct repudiation of the government and his failed war strategy will be treated as marginal, and will seek to relate these expressions with dark political interests or simply disqualify as small groups of social malcontents . The aim is to build a stage for Calderón out the next day recognize the great importance of the event and for the umpteenth time to commit to work with society in finding solutions to violence.
The danger is that the history of revenue three years ago, following the kidnapping and murder of Fernando Martí, was signed in the famous National Palace National Agreement for Security, Justice and Legality, beyond having been announced with great fanfare, has been completely useless and unusable. Since the signing of the agreement by all governors and secretaries of state, as well as discredited figures such as Elba Esther Gordillo, and Carlos Romero Deschamps, the security situation has only worsened.
Society is tired of empty covenants and expressions sterile goodwill of the rulers. Should be beyond the stage of general requirements to directly raise the costs of those rulers who do not fulfill their duty. Politicians and senior officials will change their behavior only if they begin to see that society can punish them.
For Sunday's march and have a real impact detonator expansive effect, those who participate in it are obliged to use all the means at our disposal to make clear that our main claim is to the total failure of the ruling class, and Calderon in particular, to ensure basic conditions of peace and security. A enough! criminals would not absolutely nothing, and that criminals do not have any obligation to us, unlike our leaders and representatives, who in theory are to our service.
also can not be so naive as to simply demand that the authorities that now do their duty, but would have to demand the immediate dismissal of all senior officers involved in this criminal war at both federal and state governments, starting, of course, Genaro Garcia Luna, Guillermo Galvan and Calderon himself. These officials have been quite a while in government and have proved unable to ensure social peace.
It's time to go home. Hopefully this Sunday, along with the powerful slogan + No blood! also multiply that historic slogan of the Argentine people to repudiate the whole political class: with them all!
But beyond demanding the immediate resignation of the responsible officers should also start formal trial proceedings against those responsible for this bloody history. Otherwise, only reproduce the simulated system of accountability typical party-state regime in which, facing a national crisis or tragedy, a senior official offered his head to appease the social claim.
would have to start from and a variety of trials in national courts and international anti-Calderón, García Luna, Galvan and other officials for his direct responsibility in the deaths of almost 40 thousand innocent citizens during the past four years. There are obvious cases particularly extrajudicial executions by the police, such as students Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Bryan brothers Martin and Almanza, in Tamaulipas. But, strictly speaking, each of the 40 thousand dead is innocent until proven guilty by a court, and in any event no criminal can be applied the death penalty, as this figure is explicitly prohibited by Article 22 of the Constitution.
is probably true that a large percentage of those materially responsible for the murders have any connection with drug trafficking, but without doubt the number of 90 percent driven by Calderon is an exaggeration. However, it is also true that a great many of the gunmen, probably 90 percent also have a link with government authorities. If not pursued this complicity to the highest levels, the struggle for public safety will be doomed to failure forever.
The articulation of a clear message of condemnation to Calderon and demand accountability from the political class in general does not emerge from personal hatred towards President or any political resentment, but of the inescapable need to give symbolic example that finally there is the possibility of ending impunity in the country. We need to establish a historical watershed, a before and after, to start from and the construction of a new republic. This has happened recently in many countries, and prominently in the Middle East and South America, like Mexico, are also corrupt and inefficient public institutions. Why Mexico should be the exception?


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