Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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... MERCANTILIUSMO PURE! PROGRESS / ultimas/2011/05/04/rechaza-scjn-conocer-amparos-de-sme-contra-extincion-de-lfc

Rejects SCJN electricians know protections against termination of LFC

Minister Franco unsuccessfully raised the matter was of importance and legal implications. Jesus Aranda

Published 05/04/2011 16:31

Mexico City. The Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN) rejected the request made by former employees of the Mexican Electricians Union (SME) for the amparo filed against the extinction of Luz y Fuerza del Centro, with those who intended to leave no effect on the presidential decree of October 10, 2009.
The draft prepared by the Minister Fernando Franco, who proposed that the court knew the shelters, was rejected by his fellow Margarita Luna Ramos, Sergio Valls, Luis María Aguilar and Sergio Aguirre Anguiano. Franco
unsuccessfully raised The case, which involves thousands of workers who took refuge against his dismissal from Luz y Fuerza, was of "importance and legal significance" and it was important that the Supreme Court to intervene in its solution.

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with them all
John M.
analysts and media are beginning to always sweeten and unify the message of Sunday's massive march on May 8 in solidarity with Javier Sicilia. In order to reduce harm to Felipe Calderon and his government, images and reports that are prepared now highlight expressions of opposition to the criminals and the responsibility of society. The direct repudiation of the government and his failed war strategy will be treated as marginal, and will seek to relate these expressions with dark political interests or simply disqualify as small groups of social malcontents . The aim is to build a stage for Calderón out the next day recognize the great importance of the event and for the umpteenth time to commit to work with society in finding solutions to violence.
The danger is that the history of revenue three years ago, following the kidnapping and murder of Fernando Martí, was signed in the famous National Palace National Agreement for Security, Justice and Legality, beyond having been announced with great fanfare, has been completely useless and unusable. Since the signing of the agreement by all governors and secretaries of state, as well as discredited figures such as Elba Esther Gordillo, and Carlos Romero Deschamps, the security situation has only worsened.
Society is tired of empty covenants and expressions sterile goodwill of the rulers. Should be beyond the stage of general requirements to directly raise the costs of those rulers who do not fulfill their duty. Politicians and senior officials will change their behavior only if they begin to see that society can punish them.
For Sunday's march and have a real impact detonator expansive effect, those who participate in it are obliged to use all the means at our disposal to make clear that our main claim is to the total failure of the ruling class, and Calderon in particular, to ensure basic conditions of peace and security. A enough! criminals would not absolutely nothing, and that criminals do not have any obligation to us, unlike our leaders and representatives, who in theory are to our service.
also can not be so naive as to simply demand that the authorities that now do their duty, but would have to demand the immediate dismissal of all senior officers involved in this criminal war at both federal and state governments, starting, of course, Genaro Garcia Luna, Guillermo Galvan and Calderon himself. These officials have been quite a while in government and have proved unable to ensure social peace.
It's time to go home. Hopefully this Sunday, along with the powerful slogan + No blood! also multiply that historic slogan of the Argentine people to repudiate the whole political class: with them all!
But beyond demanding the immediate resignation of the responsible officers should also start formal trial proceedings against those responsible for this bloody history. Otherwise, only reproduce the simulated system of accountability typical party-state regime in which, facing a national crisis or tragedy, a senior official offered his head to appease the social claim.
would have to start from and a variety of trials in national courts and international anti-Calderón, García Luna, Galvan and other officials for his direct responsibility in the deaths of almost 40 thousand innocent citizens during the past four years. There are obvious cases particularly extrajudicial executions by the police, such as students Tecnológico de Monterrey and the Bryan brothers Martin and Almanza, in Tamaulipas. But, strictly speaking, each of the 40 thousand dead is innocent until proven guilty by a court, and in any event no criminal can be applied the death penalty, as this figure is explicitly prohibited by Article 22 of the Constitution.
is probably true that a large percentage of those materially responsible for the murders have any connection with drug trafficking, but without doubt the number of 90 percent driven by Calderon is an exaggeration. However, it is also true that a great many of the gunmen, probably 90 percent also have a link with government authorities. If not pursued this complicity to the highest levels, the struggle for public safety will be doomed to failure forever.
The articulation of a clear message of condemnation to Calderon and demand accountability from the political class in general does not emerge from personal hatred towards President or any political resentment, but of the inescapable need to give symbolic example that finally there is the possibility of ending impunity in the country. We need to establish a historical watershed, a before and after, to start from and the construction of a new republic. This has happened recently in many countries, and prominently in the Middle East and South America, like Mexico, are also corrupt and inefficient public institutions. Why Mexico should be the exception?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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Joins the EZLN to march for justice Sicily convened by

  • La Jornada
  • 28-April-2011
Related: EZLN, march for justice , Javier Sicilia , citizen movements , Zapatistas, Subcomandante Marcos , peace march

  • 's bases of support will make a tour silence in San Cristobal de Las Casas on May 7, Subcomandante Marcos said in a statement.
    • In a statement, the Zapatista spokesperson of the EZLN announced the accession to the call of the poet. Photo: File Vanguardia

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chis. The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) announced it will join the national march for justice and against impunity, so that their bases of support silent march in San Cristobal de Las Casas late next May 7.
The "voices that emerge from different corners of our country, we call for rallies and demonstrations to stop the organized and unorganized madness that is taking innocent lives being killed by being ranked again by the government simplicity, as the killers or collateral victims, "he said in a statement signed by Subcomandante Marcos.
" psychotic military campaign of Felipe Calderón, who has made fighting crime in a totalitarian argument for, deliberately, widespread fear throughout the country, now faces a decent and organized voices of families of victims of that war, "the EZLN.
The poet Javier Sicilia, whose son Juan Francisco was killed last month in Morelos along with three other youths, "among others, has called for a march from Cuernavaca to Mexico City from 5 to 8 May.
"Following the convening of the national march calling for justice and against impunity, and others convened by the poet Javier Sicilia, has made a call to members of the Other Campaign in Mexico and the world, people , groups, collectives, organizations, movements and indigenous people adhering to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon jungle, to the extent of its capabilities and its conditions, to join the just demand of the national march, "the EZLN.
The rebel group made a special appeal to members of the Other Campaign in Chiapas to manifest, in silence, with the Zapatistas on 7 May in this city.
summoned the members of the International Zezta, in their respective geographies and calendars, "support the demand to stop the bloodshed that occurs in Mexican land and justice for the victims."
Likewise called the aboriginal peoples of Mexico, grouped in the National Indigenous Congress (CNI), "to support this struggle to end the nightmare of blood that envelops our soil."

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Letter to Don Javier Sicilia Subcomandante Marcos Remember

Letter to Don Javier Sicilia Subcomandante Marcos

coming Zapatista Army of National Liberation. MEXICO. April 2011.
"And you, citizen, forty-nine children, I do know: That
justice in Mexico recovered his sight,
But just look to the right eye and unbiased way.
That in this country this woman is maimed as Venus de Milo,
But it's not beautiful but grotesque.
That by reason of the aforesaid shortcomings,
The balance that held the slut crawls and mud.
feelings that gave birth to the Mexican nation
not live longer under the cloak of the Dona justice Escrita
lowercase intentional here.
So Mexicans, this winged squad calls you:
to lift the Justice Palace own hands,
With his own love and unfailing truth.
To break the walls that make
satraps to mow our, eyes, hearts and mouths.
to fight until the last breath we
scope and become the first country
landscape that is worthy of peace that we won. "
Juan Carlos Mijangos Noh. (Excerpt from "49 Balloons" in memory of l @ s 49 Niñ @ s @ s death in the Nursery ABC of Hermosillo, Sonora).
To: Javier Sicilia. From: Sup Marcos. Brother and teammate
: Get the greetings of men, women, children and elders the EZLN. The comrades of the Zapatista support bases commissioned me to tell you this: On this particularly painful moment for our country, we are summoned by the cry that is synthesized in its brave words, the pain caused by the heinous murder of Juan Francisco Sicilia Ortega, Luis Antonio Romero Jaime, Julio César Romero and Gabriel Alejo Jaime Escalera, and the appeal made to the National March for Justice and Against Impunity, due out on May 5, 2011 in the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos, and come to the Zocalo of Mexico City on Sunday May 8 this year. Although it is our sincere desire to march beside him in the demand for justice for victims of this war, we can not go now to Cuernavaca or Mexico City. But according to our modest capabilities, and in the framework of the national day which bring us together, l @ s indigenous Zapatistas marched in silence in the city of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, in the exercise of our constitutional rights , on May 7, 2011 . At the end of the march in silence, we say our word in English and our native languages, and then return to our communities, villages and hamlets. In our silent march will bring banners and posters with messages: "Stop the War of Calderon", "No more blood "and" We're up to the mother ". We urge you to convey these words to the family of 49 children dead and 70 injured in the tragedy of ABC Nursery Hermosillo, Sonora, to the worthy Mother of Ciudad Juarez, families and Reyes Le Baron Salazar, of Chihuahua, to the families and friends of the victims of this arrogant war defenders of human rights of nationals and migrants, and tod @ sl @ s convening the National March for Justice and Against Impunity. Responding to his call to appoint the innocent victims, today named the dead children in the Nursery ABC Hermosillo Sonora, who still await justice : María Magdalena García Millán Andrea Nicole Valeria Figueroa Muñoz Navarro Fraijo Emilia Sofia Ramos Sofia Fátima Moreno Martinez Robles Yesenia Escalante Dafne Blanco Madrid Losoya Nahomi Ruth Pacheco Denisse Alejandra Figueroa Ortiz Guadalupe Carrillo Lucia Pamela Jasmine Campos Fuentes Tapia Camila Ruiz Cervera Ana Paula Acosta Pérez Jiménez Pauleth Montserrat Granados Daniela Coronado Padilla Aragon Ariadna Miranda Valenzuela Maria Fernanda Trujillo Hugues Yoselin Marian Valentina Ximena Tamayo Hugues Nayeli Mendoza Estefania Ximena González Yanes Daniel Madrid Yeseli Nahomi Baceli Ian Isaac Meza Martínez Carranza Valle Crown Axel Santiago Javier Ángel Angulo Abraham Cazares Merancio Valdez Duarte Carlos Andres Alonso García Alan Santos Raymundo Martínez Martín de la Cruz Marquez Julio Cesar Armenta Jesus Julian Valdez Báez Rivera Santiago de Jesus Zavala slogans Caban Daniel Alberto Gayzueta Xiunelth Dreneth Emmanuel Rodríguez Hernández García Márquez Daniel Aquiles Rafael Navarro Valenzuela Juan Carlos Rodríguez León Paul Germain Othon Alexander Bryan Méndez Vázquez Antonio Jesús García López Luis Denzel Chambert I will Durazo López Contreras Valenzuela Jonathan Omar Kings Jesus Guadalupe Luna Emily Israel Cevallos Juan Badilla Lara Jorge Sebastian Fernandez Ximena González Álvarez Carrillo Daniela Cota Guadalupe Reyes Juan Carlos Rascon Holguín Carretas
ell @ s To ask for justice. Because we know well that naming the dead is a way to not abandon them, not abandon. Don Javier : Know that we will also call on our comrades s @ s of the Other in Mexico and those in other countries to join the mobilization that have been convened. We look forward to what will happening for support as we can. Vale. Health and do not forget that they are not @ s sun.
From the mountains of Southeastern Mexico. Subcomandante Marcos. Mexico, April 2011.

Monday, April 25, 2011

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supporters of the EZLN. SISTERS AND BROTHERS

First of all get our fraternal and revolutionary salute from the Good Government Junta Central Heart of the Zapatistas before the world, Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, Oventik based, Caracol II.
Through this we come to you to inform the unfortunate events that occurred in the community of Pikote 'official Citalá municipality, Chiapas.
On the night of April 18 this year, the community of Pikote 'Citalá Township, at about 12:00 at night, three of our colleagues EZLN support bases, were a disgrace, there was a fire in their home, which caused serious damage. They burned three houses one of his houses was used as a standalone nursing home and burned everything and medicines and equipment for vaccine, the other from their homes was their kitchens, the other of their houses using for a small grocery store and burned everything and goods and was the only breadwinner who were the companions, they also live alone in their own homes they had and looking for ways to survive and move forward in our Zapatista struggle, two of its houses have measures 10 by 5 meters and the other house is 8 by 6 meters and the three houses were made of board and tin roofs, this fire just might save the sisters and could not salvage anything of their belongings, now were left with nothing. Here we will mention the value of homes, equipment, medicines and goods. Home health
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. $ 43,572.50
Community Pharmacy ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $ 20,570.00
Equipment acupuncture ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... $ 10,800.00
vaccination teams ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... $ 12,650.00
Grocery Store ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $ 421,122.00
Kitchen appliances ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... $ 18,660.00
materials of the house ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. $ 53,128.00
EXPENDITURE TOTAL LOSS .... $ 580,502.50
We the Board of Corporate Governance as we are not able to support them financially or materially, by reason of lack of financial resources because we're self-government and resistance, as well as us and we Good Government and our bases Zapatista support do not depend on bad government. For this reason we dared to write this letter to see if they have the ability and willingness to support us with the sisters who are now suffering, whether financial, material resources or something that can support our colleagues for now partners have many needs in everything.
we the Zapatistas know that in our state and our country is sincere and honest people who understand the just cause of our Zapatista struggle and are willing to support us. We the Zapatistas, even though we encounter many different obstacles and we will move forward in our Zapatista struggle and the construction of our autonomy. Organizations that are willing to support, please come to the office of the Council of Good Government in the Highlands of Chiapas.
At the moment is all our word and we anticipate our sincere thanks. CAREFULLY

Heart Center of the Zapatista BEFORE THE WORLD (Seal)
Highlands of Chiapas, MEXICO

REMIGIO Santiz Lopez (signed)
Santiz MARIA PEREZ (signed)

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

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will Nut, rode again ... Justice