Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sparkling Water Aids Digestion

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Honduras: torn land blow after blow

Adolfo Pérez

Esquivel de facto government in Honduras, seeks to justify the unjustifiable to detain and deport President Manuel Zelaya. I insist on that, they could not give the coup without the consent of the Pentagon and the CIA, acting beyond President Barack Obama.

I just got news from Honduras of journalists and social leaders have been hiding to avoid the repression and to continue reporting on what happens in the country. The dictators have imposed censorship on all media and devices have been kidnapped and imprisoned journalists, continue the raids by armed forces, in homes and places considered to violate the rights opponents human.

The OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza not had the desired effect on his trip to Tegucigalpa, Honduras have applied sanctions.

dictators refused to hear the voice of the presidents who claim the refund in the government of President Manuel Zelaya, by contrast, have hardened their position by threatening to put prison if he returns. Have triggered a strong repression of demonstrations in support of the President's return, causing hundreds of injuries and arrests. The de facto government is responsible for life and safety and what might happen to President Zelaya and the public.

concern deepens when we see that President Obama, assumed weak positions to defend democracy in Honduras, while Latin American presidents in the OAS, asked to be expressed in defense of democracy against the military coup.

The facts show that one thing to say and another to do, Obama refused to receive Honduran President Manuel Zelaya

is a negative and worrying that highlights the complicity of U.S. government in the coup, we should consider a pilot to impose new anti-democratic governments, which causes a serious and dangerous precedent for the entire Latin American continent. We recall the attempted coups d'etat in Venezuela, Bolivia and Haiti, as the conflict low intensity with Colombia and the U.S. attack against Ecuador.

The question that arises is whether Obama was or was not aware of the military coup in Honduras, which has a long and painful history of U.S. domination, just remember the "viceroy" John Negroponte, U.S. ambassador in Honduras demolish their active role in government and support the insurgency against the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala and in the preparation, financing and penetration against police and paramilitary groups in the region, including the installation of U.S. bases Honduras.

Obama The inheritance from government that preceded it is heavy and full of difficulties, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, where the only thing that has stopped the invasion of these countries is famine, destruction and death. Heavy losses, destruction of the economic and cultural, and looting of natural resources and assets of these countries are the result of legal impunity of the U.S. armed forces, responsible for crimes against humanity.

Obama's government could not, to date, advance their intentions and campaign promises to eradicate the practice of torture and human degradation at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and finally closed.

is clear he has no capacity to reverse the policies implemented by the government of George Bush, and other governments that preceded it, nor the ability to close those prisons which are an affront to humanity.

scenarios have changed on the continent. Latin American governments in the OAS assume their responsibility to strengthen democratic processes. We must support those leaders who have decided to accompany Zelaya in Honduras and claim their rights.

United Nations and the international community have denounced the coup in Honduras and demanded the return of Zelaya. It is necessary that social organizations, unions, churches, student movements and intellectuals media and social networks and information, to join in solidarity to prevent the establishment in Honduras or in any other country in military dictatorships.

What is happening today in Honduras affects us all. Must intensify efforts and to claim financial bodies such as the IMF-WB-IDB and European Union cut off all aid to the Honduran dictatorship, to the reinstatement in office of President Zelaya.

The insurgents must be brought to justice, both civil and military, and religious employers are complicit and have endorsed the military coup

President Obama has still many pending issues with the people. We know the difficulties you have to bring about changes in U.S. policy If we do not assume with courage and determination, end acting as those who have criticized and led to the serious situation he now lives there, and the damage caused to other nations in the world. In the Honduran situation will be evident if you are willing to defend democracy and take the promised changes, or if all were empty words.

The Catholic church must speak clearly and not with the attitude of double meaning, as expressed on behalf of the Honduran episcopal conference, the Auxiliary Bishop and Bishop Tegucigalpa spokesman Pineda, who recommends that Zelaya did not travel to Honduras and evasive what to do against the coup. The double standards and lack of courage is present in the hierarchy.

Jesus was always clear and concrete positions against injustice. The bishops should learn from the Master.

tormented Land Honduras claims the solidarity of the peoples of Latin America and the world. Must be resisted in hope.

Buenos Aires, July 5, 2009


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