Saturday, May 26, 2007

Eating Beeswax With Honey

The fascists take Second Life

No comment ... You know, put on your belt and always wears a helmet ...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Five Finger Death Punch Caedite Eos!

Joost, a TV other than (are given invitations)

The Pope ended his visit to Brazil. Expected to dip leg, as in that's specialist.
He referred to Venezuela and Bolivia as totalitarian regimes.

In his words "there are reasons for concern about authoritarian forms of government subject to certain ideologies that were believed to overcome and which do not correspond to the Christian vision of man"
the grace that has this Ratzinger, of course corresponded with Pinochet Christian vision of man. The Church always had an ally, even in death, the Church has been there, praying for the soul of this great man ... This stupid Church has always supported the fascist regimes of each side of the Atlantic, and continues to do so, just remember a week ago a English bishop called for the vote to the English Falange, and the English Church has lived holding hands with Franco, Salazar's Portugal with the Italian with Mussolini. And so I have not heard a pardon, a regret, however, feels in some important sectors of the English Church a certain nostalgia for the dictator. What Ratzinger
go to Latin America, to mess with Chavez and Morales is little more than unfortunate, I can fall right or wrong, but they have been elected, direct democratic states, have the desire to fight social inequality. Joostâ„¢ the best of tv and the internet I do not think most medieval rulers of the world, elected an elite, autocratic state governor, a full-fledged dictator, as his mandate comes from God himself, and therefore never wrong and can not be upset, be the best person to give lessons in democracy. The Vatican to democratize, then talk.

How Much Is It To Reupholster Boat Seats

The Pope and his vision totalitarian regimes

The lack of political and democratic matured a part of Spain's scary.
The rancid spirit of many English curia parasite fed by politicians whose thinking has been somewhat less than the average age (rural and clerical, as in urban areas would also be outdated) feeding a kind of Talibanism Christian.

We have seen these signs of foul intransigence in relation to the work of Leo Bassi, and now we see in relation to the work of

JAM Montoya. La Junta de Extremadura has funded a book with photos of this operator, which in my view is bright, but not from the point of view of PP, or a significant amount of English that if they could burn him at the stake as they did their ancestors to all who had the nerve to think and shape their thoughts freely. The controversy is this: In the photos

no shortage of voices calling him a pervert, broken English, maybe even some lindeces worse. But no one forces them to buy the book and see the pictures, so I do not understand why it hurts so much. It is an exercise of creative freedom, and who does not like, do not see it.

have read this news this evening (morning for me, because almost done awakening) in 20 minutes
. Other blogs that have echoed this article: Oriol

In that would be me
thinking, among others.