Monday, May 4, 2009

Toy That Produces Electricity


Al met three years of that savage and bloody beginning of May 2006, Fox consummated revenge against the people of Atenco, and preying on them gorilla of the state police and Perverted Federal Police, the full passage of the Other Campaign across the country, in the circus electioneering, and by virtue of satisfying the criminal and murderous Enrique Peña Nieto, is perpetrated and carried out all treachery and impunity advantage gestated and driven from power allows this tragic assault on Atenco, a town of farmers defend their land, fighting for them and dignity do not fall into the neoliberal logic stripper to see land as a commodity and accept "sold" at prices of laughter, that was what I wanted Fox and his gang, making the airport expansion cd. Mexico's land these colleagues, who do not accept and defend it, which must be-"the land is not sold, loves and defends" - even at the expense of the lives of some of them falling into the hands of the riot and other repressive bodies , history of aggression comes from Atenco and maybe before then, the case of farmers in the Texcoco market was just the pretext for the collection of the crazy boots and prozac, the joke that lasted 6 years in parasitizing the government of our country, the infamous Vicente Fox, supported by Peña Nieto, the involvement of a munícipe PRD and the complicit silence of the candidate of the "left", consumed this aberrant act, in which death of a 14 year old boy with a bullet by the police, those who sought to make martyrs in the media, those who hurt themselves with a tear gas projectile in the head Behnumea Alexis, leaving him in grave condition with brain exposure without allowing aid or medical care, until it was too late and he died, these gorillas who entered a village like the war, raiding homes and businesses, who are hitting please, children, women, elderly and old, raping women in the transfers, vejándolas physically, emotionally and psychologically, by evenly sweeping, bloody images were immediately drawn from the media, in their efforts to aiding and abetting, a whole structure generated specifically for the role, but there is free media memory, and these images are as valid as 3 years ago, not morbid, but to keep alive the picture of the modus operandi of the monster that says rule and respect human rights. Today
likewise remain jailed 12 colleagues for the same offense, and charged with crimes they did not commit, with some other wrongful convictions, nor the greatest lords of the policy or the Mafia that is not the same but have equal received such sentences in Mexico is a crime to defend their rights, express or report violations of our rights makes us criminals, but each time the state sets the stage for the complete militarization of the country, reform laws and convenience way to protect yourself from those who hold power and submit to the law in his hand the protests, all with the consent of the party leadership-government and "opposition" involved in these reforms to the constitution and by their silence and indifference are complicit in atrocities such as the present one now, but and the same cases as valid as Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guerrero , white water, to mention some few of the more current times while moving and we had a vote-in the eternal struggle every year, as we leave here this small reminder of official stupidity, as a country retreat on Human Rights, a corrupt political class to the core, the order repressive bodies of the powerful class, a class that holds power and is fed from the blood and sweat of the oppressed and exploited majority, the system collapses and struggles are and unite in a Ya Basta! Generalized Atenco why we say, here we are, we resist.

Political Prisoners Freedom
Jail Fox and Peña Nieto! Czech

all information in the following address. Http://

How Can I Clear My Baby's Chest