Friday, November 30, 2007

Baby Shower Space 64111

Do you know Spain to Portugal? Help

These days have risen to cover two stories relating to Portugal, one concerning the possibility Spain and Portugal together shall organize the 2018 World Cup and the other relating to the strike called today Portugal by workers administration.
After reading the comments on these two stories on the front page of Digg and others that have read / seen / heard in various media since I live in the English state have come to the conclusion that ignorance about the situation in Portugal from this side the border is very considerable.

As much as some think otherwise endeavor to Portugal is now a state modern, fully integrated in the EU, a democratic country with a fully democratic constitution, a secular state (while others have remained in non-denominational), no benefits or privileges of blood (uy. ... better change subject, before I pass as the guys on Thursday).
Its government is a Constitutional Republic , with a president elected for five years, now is the conservative Cavaco Silva. Your Parliament has 230 seats, is now progressive majority. There are 5 parliamentary groups in the Portuguese Parliament in this term:

Socialist Party: 121 seats
Social Democratic Party: 75 seats
Coalition Portuguese Communist Party + Green = CDU: 14 (12 PCP + 2 Greens)
CDS / PP: 12 seats
BE (Left Bloc) and
8 seats left: 143 right seat : 87

In the Portuguese way of life are like any people, quite different from each other, there is a mentality, but many minds, obviously. To think that all the Portuguese fado hear is the same as thinking that all the inhabitants of the English state like the Seville. stereotypes serve to promote tourism and a little more . Culturally Portugal has a very interesting musical production that ranges from excellent to so unbearably bad, as it happens on all sides, from great groups (for my taste) as Moonspell (yes, they are Portuguese), through the generation of songwriters, Where would Zeca, Sergio Godinho, Jorge Palma, Fausto, José Mario Branco, pop / rock of The Gift, Cla, Xutos ... and could make a huge list, but leave that for another post.
Portugal culturally If something is highlighted in the literary, names like Saramago, Vergilio Ferreira, Miguel Torga, Fernando Pessoa, Lobo Antunes ... are recognized by lovers of literature in any around the world.

If something goes wrong is Portugal economy, the € (euro) that vanishes from his pocket. As in Spain, Euro input (€) has caused a considerable increase in prices without salaries have accompanied this increase, the coffee before the euro cost about 40 to 50 escudos before the euro, and subsequently the cost 50 euro cents or 60 cents depending on where we get it, but its price should be 25 cents and 25 cents that are approximately 50 shields. The example of coffee could be used for almost everything except salaries, which remain more or less equal (the interprofessional minimum wage in Portugal is 403 euros / month).

Portugal is part of several international organizations such as NATO (NATO), obviously the EU and UN, WTO, the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), participates in the Ibero-American summit, among others.

has a population of approximately 10 million and its capital is Lisbon . And although some, like Saramago defend a built in Spain, Portugal, the Portuguese want no part of Spain , your country is independent and will remain so.

Well, today I leave here, just saying that if someone wants to know something more than Portugal, I would suggest you look at their newspapers and put up with a news report on TV (in the RTP site - the public broadcaster in Portugal, was broadcast live the news and other programs form online free - obviously not all of its programming rights issues ... such as football, movies, series and such .... but if you propria and news production. if you do not want to see live site also hung Internet in the chain) Links

Portuguese newspaper:

JN Correio da Manha

- Live Broadcast
RTP - multimedia file