Monday, February 19, 2007

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Racquettball Court

The joint

His Holiness, Pope Rotweiller, forgiveness Ratzinger (Benedict XVI), that figure whose humanity, good work, humility, not worthy of response (LoL) ... plans to charge for his image rights.
"All photos, books, pictures and even the voice of German chief, may be used only after paying the appropriate royalties." collects Millennium

, "
to portraits vendors swarm around St. Peter's Basilica will be required to seek permission and pay royalties to sell images of the Pope."
Come on, a shame, it was not enough he used Prada shoes, silly hats, Ipod ...
I hope at least the rights of his ugly image revert to some good cause, but I smell that will not.

Source: Millennium

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Og Mudbone On Wickapedia

Pope will charge fees for their image (LoL)

Avidemux is

free video editor designed to convert between formats, embedded subtitles, and make quick editing, like cutting video, for example. I'm a user of Ubuntu Linux, but also I have Windows XP installed, I tested and used Avidemux systems and doing very well in both.

I use it mainly to convert. Avi, divx to DVD, and embed subtitles, not as editor, and that it is somewhat simplistic. Compared
payment programs, which serve the same purpose, the GPL has nothing to envy, on the contrary, I found it very stable and easy to use, it opens the video, the car will be selected if want DVD, VCD or SVCD, and we keep, we expect is ready and we can burn the result onto a DVD. If you want subtitles, then just go to video filters, add filter, captions, choose the path where the subtitles have saved, give the ok, save and wait. supports: avi, mpeg1, mpeg2, NuppelVideo, H263 +, MPEG4, mov, 3gp, ... codecs Xvid, Divx, among others, as well as several audio compression formats. is a program that has been very useful, but that does not seem much hyped pela web, so here is a brief introduction to the program

has versions for Windows, Linux and Mac

If you want more information or download:
avidemux Avidemux

PS: The only problem I found was at the time of embedding subtitles but I solved it, just in case you have or decide to try the program and you want to put subtitles to a film you succeed and will not tell you that the problem is in the path to the sources, and is solved by changing the source path in Windows is in: c: \\ WINDOWS \\ Fonts and that You select the source distributions.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Best Aftermarket Remote Car

Avidemux, convert video free, multiplatform

few weeks ago, in Galicia there was a controversy regarding the waiting time that patients had to see her doctor, are talking about an average of six days. Well, my experience here in Galicia, in Santiago de Compostela, is having to wait one or two days. But because of that news, I'd give to know a reality that is close enough, that 10 million people living next door, in Portugal.

Portugal has a named Health Minister Correia de Campos, a socialist minister, but very little social. At this time, according to the health unit of residence and the family doctor who may have come to expect two months, two and half months to make this you see, or your doctor examine you, the good thing this is that when you finally have the query no longer need it because they are already cured, or that, or dead ... Although the Portuguese health is under the Constitution of Portugal tends to free paid what they call moderate rates, by going to the doctor, to go to the emergency room to do tests ... so it's almost free. also do not think that there is urgency in every town, he had, but Correa de Campos, of this locking, making for an emergency is likely to have to walk about 50 km/70km, and no, it is by helicopter, ambulance , or an hour to get more or less total, which is good, and so there are fewer patients and more meats, which means that the state spend less pasta.
Well, this article is proof that even in the territory English things are not perfect, there are worse places, and although that does not serve as a consolation, at least with these things we know more about the asymmetries between the countries in that our business association called the European Union.

PS: If you think 18/02 Sunday morning to go to Portugal, and enter Valença do Minho, warn that things will be complicated, there is a rally and cut the international bridges, at least that is what is planned The demonstration is against the closure of emergency in Valença.

Adobe Digital Editions Wm6.5

Not all Europeans are equal, the poor health of the Portuguese

This post is about how to spoil a Carnivals:

first: hire Rafael Amargo;

second, give creative freedom;
third, from an artist's budget is an educated person, and therefore you are making a show on the basis of tradition and the environment where done; fifth, said that the fat and short people can not participate in the carnival

    fifth, to expect politicians to have good artistic taste, and therefore to hire people who deserve a contract;
  1. sixth, to prepay;
  2. Gentlemen, we are all fools and that is poetry as bitter, but we do not understand art ...:


What Does Tendonitis Do To The Body

A poem bitterness (as damage to the carnivals of Tenerife by 1 million)

Bisbal, Ramoncín and artists with little ability to support SGAE, and the same company (if it's because when a company is for profit, or profit, is a company) should see this video of South Park ... For me it is exactly what I think of the shock and the so-called artists not necessarily work for music, but if otherwise ...