Thursday, January 11, 2007

Absorption Rates Of Paper Towels Differ

Dedicated to the SGAE, Bisbal, a Ramoncín and other bad artists ... Housing

I found this video on Youtube that I think exemplifies and shows quite well the difficulty of access to decent housing. Now that the children of Don Quixote have accomplished something in France, to see if he can do something in Spain, because it just can not continue like this ...

Source: Youtube

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

White Ticks? That Are Really Small

Now, Mr. Alcaraz, president of the Association Victims of Terrorism, he gave him to invest against

Iñaki Gabilondo. All because in the last manifestation organized, one of the people leading the demonstration was in a wheelchair, and
Gabilondo, reported that this person can walk and not a victim nor paralytic, which turns out to be true. The placement of this person in front of the banner of the event would be well in most of the manipulations

this close association of the PP, at least their leader (Alcaraz ). As Mr. Alcaraz did not like
News Four
and Iñaki Gabilondo spotting this staging of AVT and false paralyzed (which incidentally is the husband of Councillor PP), have sharply criticized the journalist calling the disclosure of this fact of "moral turpitude" and that Gabilondo takes advantage of the victims ... (it is ironic that Alcaraz say, right?).

Thankfully we still have good journalists Gabilondo is one of the best, so I hope to continue dismantling the assemblies and banter ... Thanks Gabilondo! Sources:

News Video Four
The Plural